loveitaly is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of Italy’s unique cultural heritage and the world’s greatest living museum. The association, first of its kind to support conservation projects throughout Italy, has implemented mechanisms to accept private and corporate funding in Italy and from the United States, through a 501(c)3 organization, american friends of loveItaly.
loveitaly operates in collaboration with Italian ministries, superintendents for Italian monuments, fine arts institutes and museums, local and national authorities, church leaders and higher institutions of learning, including Italian and international universities and academies.
Crowdfunding Campaigns

St. Mary of the Angels Church
Campaign open.
Raised: 5% of 14.500,00€
Are you ready to help? Come on!
Treasures of the Confraternity
Precious Statues in Gallipoli
Together for St Francis | Assisi
Fresco of St. Anthony
“WE LOVE ITALY” Valentine Cocktail Party Thursday, February 13th, 6 – 8 pm
*** “We Love Italy” Valentine Event Partners Special Thanks to Melchiori for offering a taste of their organic, artisan apple ciders and juices from Trentino
PRESENTATION – “Art Out of the Museum”
Art Out of the Museum | Arte Fuori Dal Museo Tuesday 15 October, 6 pm – marked the inauguration of Art Out of the Museum | Arte Fuori Dal Museo, a project promoted by General Directorate of Museums (Ministry of Culture) with LoveItaly and Federalberghi Lazio, which focuses on raising awareness and knowledge of Italy’s cultural
Sphere Italia to fund restoration work at ETRU
Press Conference Friday 11 October 2024, 3pm Sphere Italia is funding the restoration of the nymphaeum and the fountains of the Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia in Rome. For the first time, the donation includes a provision for long term maintenance of the structures. Speakers at the press conference: Massimo Osanna, DG, Musei Ministero
WELCOME BACK FALL APERITIVO! Thursday 31.10.24 | 18.00 -20.00
WELCOME BACK FALL APERITIVO!When: Thursday October 31st, 2024 (6-8pm)Where: Zest Group’s ‘The Hub’, Italy’s largest digital start-up accelerator at the Termini Station Penthouse. Entrance at Via Marsala 29hWhat: WELCOME BACK Fall Aperitivo! ‘Al fresco’ weather permitting ______________________________________ TO RESERVE CLICK HERE:100% of the entrance fee – min €25 – will support a restoration project of a selected work of

Do you have a cultural heritage restoration project in Italy to propose? Loveitaly would love to hear from you.