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AFLI joins forces for Frate Elia fresco

Project: The Frate Elia Wall Fresco in Assisi, Italy

The San Francisco – Assisi Sister City Committee and Roots of Peace have joined forces with American Friends of LoveItaly to fundraise for the restoration of a 17th century wall fresco in Assisi. The “aedicula” can be found on Via Frate Elia, the street leading up to the magnificent Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy.  A tradition since Ancient Roman times in many Italian cities, an aedicula is a small shrine that appears on city walls protecting a house or city streets.

The Frate Elia aedicula portrays St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare praying to the Madonna. Originally rich in colour, the fresco is exposed to constant atmospheric agents and pollutants which have compromised its state of conservation.

Help Restore the Fresco

The fundraising goal is €15,000 (about $17,000) to cover the restoration costs. You can contribute to returning the original beauty of this ancient fresco with a US tax deductible donation through American Friends of LoveItaly, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization based in Menlo Park, California. Follow this link!

Aedicula on Via Frate Elia, Assisi (ph. LoveItaly)

The San Francisco – Assisi Sister City Committee was established in 1969 to build global cooperation at the municipal level, promote cultural understanding, and stimulate economic activity between San Francisco, California and Assisi, Italy.

Roots of Peace is a San Francisco Bay Area non-profit organization which works to cultivate peace through agriculture worldwide. On September 21, 1997, following the tragic death of the late Princess Diana, the vision began to eradicate an estimated 70 million landmines in over 70 countries. Heidi Kuhn, Founder/CEO, a cancer survivor, deeply believes that ‘cancer is a landmine, and landmines are a cancer to the earth.’  Ever since, she has raised funds and awareness to remove over 100,000 landmines/UXO and to plant fruit trees on former war-torn lands.

In the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi the Gardener, namesake of San Francisco, Roots of Peace is proud to partner with the Sister-Cities program to renew the fresco.

More information here

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