Medium Donation – One shot
This is a one-shot donation. You will donate once and forget it about, while we will always be grateful to you!
Tax deductible donations in the US
If you wish to make a tax deductible donation in the US, please pay through American Friends of Love Italy by following the link below (AFLI).
Go to AFLI
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Tax deductible donations in the US
If you wish to make a tax deductible donation (donations only) in the US, please pay through American Friends of Love Italy by following the link below (AFLI).
Please note that payments for membership to LoveItaly and/or Iuvart are not eligible for tax deductible donations.
You can always change your preference by going to Menu > My donation settings.
Big Donation – One shot
500,00€ -
Tax deductible donations in the US
If you wish to make a tax deductible donation (donations only) in the US, please pay through American Friends of Love Italy by following the link below (AFLI).
Please note that payments for membership to LoveItaly and/or Iuvart are not eligible for tax deductible donations.
You can always change your preference by going to Menu > My donation settings.
Medium Donation – Recurring
25,00€ / month for 12 months -
Tax deductible donations in the US
If you wish to make a tax deductible donation (donations only) in the US, please pay through American Friends of Love Italy by following the link below (AFLI).
Please note that payments for membership to LoveItaly and/or Iuvart are not eligible for tax deductible donations.
You can always change your preference by going to Menu > My donation settings.
Big Donation – Recurring
50,00€ / month for 12 months -
Tax deductible donations in the US
If you wish to make a tax deductible donation (donations only) in the US, please pay through American Friends of Love Italy by following the link below (AFLI).
Please note that payments for membership to LoveItaly and/or Iuvart are not eligible for tax deductible donations.
You can always change your preference by going to Menu > My donation settings.
Small Donation – Recurring
10,00€ / month for 12 months